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9:30am CST on Tuesdays

This class consists of 10-12 minute cycles where you do AMRAP (as many reps as possible) within each cycle. If you are newer to working out, you can take it slow and ask questions. If you are more advanced you can power through the circuit and push yourself to your limits! Resistance bands and light dumbbells needed.



6:30pm CST on Wednesdays

This full body workout combines shadowboxing and conditioning in circuits to increase endurance. Many participants burn an average of 600 calories per class and EVERYONE gets some aggression out with a solid sweat cleanse. 



12pm CST on Fridays

Build strength by supersetting two muscle groups in a row! This class will pair shadowboxing, strength, and conditioning exercises to challenge you and make you more powerful! Resistance bands and light dumbbells needed. 

Drop-in $20 per class
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